

Research Philosophy

Promote free and vigorous research on medicine and health by individual faculty members and university projects.

Research Goals

Under our research philosophy, we have set a medium- to long-term research vision and our goal is to achieve it.

Concrete measures to achieve research goals

In order to proactively take on the challenge of developing new drugs, the following actions will be taken as a (a) university and as a (b) laboratory and faculty member.

  1. Strengthen the mechanism to promote the invigoration of research. Specifically, research will be invigorated by utilizing the research grant system within the university and with other universities, and by strengthening collaboration within the university and with other universities for joint research. (a,b)
  2. Promote stronger collaboration between industry, government, and academia. (a,b)
  3. Comply with laws and regulations regarding ethical review, conflicts of interest, and intellectual property, and carry out proper administration. In addition, through training and other means, develop faculty and staff who can properly implement these norms. (a,b)
  4. Maintain the animal care environment. (a)
  5. Aim to obtain more competitive external funding. (b)
  6. Promote research that will lead to the identification of pathological conditions. (b)
  7. Promote research in fields that support the development of new drugs and in fields that support the fundamentals of pharmaceutical science (chemical biology, process chemistry, green chemistry, drug delivery systems, analytical chemistry, etc.). (b)
  8. Promote regulatory science research necessary for the development of new drugs. (b)

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